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Discover excellent French-language encyclopedias for children

Mar 28, 2020

Do you want to foster a love of science and knowledge in your child? Try encyclopedias! These sources of knowledge which impressed us with their many volumes continue to be fonts of information, and great stimulators for the curiosity of their readers. There’s only one small difference: in their digital format, encyclopedias are much easier to navigate, and updated constantly. Ottawa Public Library offers you two essential French-language encyclopedias: Encyclopédie Découverte and Encyclopédie Universalis Junior.  

Encyclopédie Découverte is an excellent first source of knowledge for children who are just starting to read. The visual structure of its articles and the use of colours and pictures make navigating it fun. The content is always translated in English, and linked to its context. This encyclopedia also contains games and activities, and a dictionary offering simplified explanations.  Ages 6-11 

With its visibly more advanced language and knowledge level, Universalis Junior offers a wealth of over 1800 articles in French and English, an updated database about all the world’s countries, and an Atlas with a variety of maps, which is its strongest point. Many European high schools have integrated it in their curriculum. This resource offers two dictionaries; one in French, and one French-English.  Ages 11-16 

Blog post contributed by Karima from the Rideau Branch