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Help us organize our website

Apr 23, 2021

Ottawa Public Library wants to hear from you! Help us organize the content you enjoy on our website by participating, securely and anonymously, in an online survey. Take a brief questionnaire, then complete a card sorting activity on the Optimal Workshop platform. 

Start the survey. It takes about 10 to 15 minutes and is available in French and English. Best of all, there are no right or wrong answers!

First, answer a few questions about who you are and why you come to the OPL website. Then, sort a list of items that describe information available on our website. Put these into groups that make sense to you. 

Do what you think is best. Your answers will help us make improvements to the website’s menu and organizational structure, so things are easier to find. Responses are anonymized, which means they are not connected to your Library account or personal information. 

This is one way we are continuing to ensure the website is maintained and renewed for your benefit, according to advances in technology. 

Post any questions or comments you may have in the public comment section below. Thank you for participating!