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Semaine de la santé mentale : Pleine conscience

Lundi 26 avril 2021

La Semaine de la santé mentale, organisée par l'Association canadienne pour la santé mentale au début du mois de mai, revêt une importance particulière cette année.  Il n'y a pas un seul d'entre nous qui n'a pas ou ne connaît pas quelqu'un qui a des défis à relever pour sa santé mentale.  La Bibliothèque publique d'Ottawa donne le coup d'envoi d'une série d'ateliers interactifs gratuits en ligne  sur la pleine conscience pour nous aider tous à faire face au stress.  Ne manquez pas cette occasion d'introduire la pleine conscience dans vos vies et de pratiquer des stratégies et des habiletés d'adaptation.     

Le thème de l'Association canadienne pour la santé mentale cette année est #ParlerPourVrai de ce qu’on ressent. Reconnaître et parler de son stress, de ses émotions, aide à les gérer.  Introduire la pleine conscience dans l'environnement familial améliore notre compassion,  notre connexion et le bien-être émotionnel de chacun des membres de notre famille.  Cette pratique permet également de modifier notre relation au stress.   

Les trois ateliers sur la pleine conscience sont dirigés par Rebekka Wallace Roy de Be Kind, Be Brave, Be Present.  Rebekka est une travailleuse sociale agréée et une psychothérapeute passionnée par la pleine conscience. Les ateliers seront offerts en anglais, mais les participants pourront poser des questions en anglais ou en français. Nous avons prévu un atelier approfondi en soirée pour les parents, suivi d'ateliers en après-midi pour les adolescents et les enfants.   L'atelier pour les parents sera enregistré et mis sur le site YouTube de la BPO afin que vous puissiez le regarder plus tard si vous le manquez.  Les ateliers seront conçus pour répondre aux besoins des participants.  Ils comprendront des exercices de pleine conscience, des discussions sur les possibilités de développer des plans concrets pour mettre en œuvre des pratiques de pleine conscience dans leur vie quotidienne.   

Nous vous encourageons à explorer les listes de livres que nous avons préparées et à vous inscrire à un atelier sur la pleine conscience.    

Mindfulness Books for Kids
par OPLProgramsProgrammesBPO

This book lists was developed in collaboration with Rebekka Wallace Roy of "Be Kind, Be Brave, Be Present". Rebekka is a Registered Social Worker and a Psychotherapist who is passionate about mindfulness. The Ottawa Public Library has scheduled workshops for The Canadian Mental Health Association's Mental Health Week 2021: Mindfulness for Parents, Thursday, May 6, 7 pm Mindfulness for Kids (8-11 years) Monday, May 10, 4:30 pm Mindfulness for Teens, Monday, May 17, 4:30 pm ***The workshop for parents will be recorded and put on the OPL YouTube so that you can catch it later it you miss it. These workshops will be interactive and involve mindful exercises, interactive chat, and discussion of opportunities to develop concrete plans to implement mindful practices in their daily lives.

Mindfulness Books for Neurodiverse Families
par OPLProgramsProgrammesBPO

This book lists was developed in collaboration with Rebekka Wallace Roy of "Be Kind, Be Brave, Be Present". Rebekka is a Registered Social Worker and a Psychotherapist who is passionate about mindfulness. The Ottawa Public Library has scheduled workshops for The Canadian Mental Health Association's Mental Health Week 2021: Mindfulness for Parents, Thursday, May 6, 7 pm Mindfulness for Kids (8-11 years) Monday, May 10, 4:30 pm Mindfulness for Teens, Monday, May 17, 4:30 pm ***The workshop for parents will be recorded and put on the OPL YouTube so that you can catch it later it you miss it. These workshops will be interactive and involve mindful exercises, interactive chat, and discussion of opportunities to develop concrete plans to implement mindful practices in their daily lives.

General Mindfulness Books
par OPLProgramsProgrammesBPO

This book lists was developed in collaboration with Rebekka Wallace Roy of "Be Kind, Be Brave, Be Present". Rebekka is a Registered Social Worker and a Psychotherapist who is passionate about mindfulness. The Ottawa Public Library has scheduled workshops for The Canadian Mental Health Association's Mental Health Week 2021: Mindfulness for Parents, Thursday, May 6, 7 pm Mindfulness for Kids (8-11 years) Monday, May 10, 4:30 pm Mindfulness for Teens, Monday, May 17, 4:30 pm ***The workshop for parents will be recorded and put on the OPL YouTube so that you can catch it later it you miss it. These workshops will be interactive and involve mindful exercises, interactive chat, and discussion of opportunities to develop concrete plans to implement mindful practices in their daily lives.

par OPLProgramsProgrammesBPO

This book lists was developed in collaboration with Rebekka Wallace Roy of "Be Kind, Be Brave, Be Present". Rebekka is a Registered Social Worker and a Psychotherapist who is passionate about mindfulness. The Ottawa Public Library has scheduled workshops for The Canadian Mental Health Association's Mental Health Week 2021: Mindfulness for Parents, Thursday, May 6, 7 pm Mindfulness for Kids (8-11 years) Monday, May 10, 4:30 pm Mindfulness for Teens, Monday, May 17, 4:30 pm ***The workshop for parents will be recorded and put on the OPL YouTube so that you can catch it later it you miss it. These workshops will be interactive and involve mindful exercises, interactive chat, and discussion of opportunities to develop concrete plans to implement mindful practices in their daily lives.

Parenting Books
par OPLProgramsProgrammesBPO

This parenting book lists was developed in collaboration with Rebekka Wallace Roy of "Be Kind, Be Brave, Be Present". Rebekka is a Registered Social Worker and a Psychotherapist who is passionate about mindfulness. The Ottawa Public Library has scheduled workshops for The Canadian Mental Health Association's Mental Health Week 2021: Mindfulness for Parents, Thursday, May 6, 7 pm Mindfulness for Kids (8-11 years) Monday, May 10, 4:30 pm Mindfulness for Teens, Monday, May 17, 4:30 pm ***The workshop for parents will be recorded and put on the OPL YouTube so that you can catch it later it you miss it. These workshops will be interactive and involve mindful exercises, interactive chat, and discussion of opportunities to develop concrete plans to implement mindful practices in their daily lives.

Parenting articles and web links on Mental Wellness and Technology
par OPLProgramsProgrammesBPO

These articles and web links from the Internet were developed in collaboration with Rebekka Wallace Roy of "Be Kind, Be Brave, Be Present". Rebekka is a Registered Social Worker and a Psychotherapist who is passionate about mindfulness. The Ottawa Public Library has scheduled workshops for The Canadian Mental Health Association's Mental Health Week 2021: Mindfulness for Parents, Thursday, May 6, 7 pm Mindfulness for Kids (8-11 years) Monday, May 10, 4:30 pm Mindfulness for Teens, Monday, May 17, 4:30 pm ***The workshop for parents will be recorded and put on the OPL YouTube so that you can catch it later it you miss it. These workshops will be interactive and involve mindful exercises, interactive chat, and discussion of opportunities to develop concrete plans to implement mindful practices in their daily lives.