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Mindfulness & Wellbeing resources at LinkedIn Learning

Vendredi 20 août 2021 was updated to LinkedIn Learning for Library almost eight months ago. We hope you have had the opportunity to dive in and are enjoying it.

We all know that LinkedIn Learning provides courses on business and technology, but did you know that there are also a lot of personal development courses? These are designed to provide you with tools to unleash your greatness, build resilience against daily stresses, achieve emotional wellbeing, and live your best life.

With everything that’s going on in the world today and the impact it’s having on our work and home lives, it can be easy to get anxious and overwhelmed. During these uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to remember to breathe, take care of yourself, and focus on the present.

We hope you can follow the short tutorials, or some of the more comprehensive courses, to relax and give yourself some mindful moments in the last two weeks of summer, and to prepare yourself for a hopefully more normal yet busy September.

Note: Please sign into your LinkedIn Learning account first, and then click the video links thereafter. This way the videos will open automatically without another prompt to sign in.

Mindfulness Practices

Mindful meditations for work and life

The Mindful Workday

Managing Stress for Positive Change

How to Manage Feeling Overwhelmed

Balancing Work and Life

Life Mastery: Achieving Happiness and Success

Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself

Want to know what new courses are added to LinkedIn Learning weekly? Subscribe to the LinkedIn Learning blog: and you’ll receive a weekly email summarizing the 20-70 new courses added.

Stay safe, and remember to breathe, and be happy learning!