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Communautés amies des aînés

Depuis 1971, avec les Services à domicile, c’est toute la communauté qui peut profiter des ressources de la Bibliothèque publique d’Ottawa. Le personnel est toujours occupé à choisir des livres et d’autres ressources qui sauront égayer la vie des quelque 500 clients qu’elle sert chaque mois. Avec ce service, la Bibliothèque se déplace vers des clients qui ne peuvent visiter ses établissements régulièrement parce qu’ils ont des problèmes de mobilité découlant de leur âge, d’une maladie ou d’un handicap. L’équipe livre des documents directement à domicile ainsi que dans des maisons de retraite et des établissements de soins de longue durée de la région.

Les Services à domicile offrent deux services principaux : une mini-bibliothèque éphémère, qui est installée dans 14 maisons de retraite d’Ottawa, ainsi qu’un service de sélection et de livraison. D’une part, avec la bibliothèque éphémère, l’équipe visite tous les mois ces maisons de retraite et installe un ordinateur portable avec des bacs contenant près de 200 livres et DVD que les clients peuvent parcourir. Ceux-ci peuvent aussi faire des demandes particulières et obtenir des recommandations ou de l’aide pour utiliser les livres numériques et audio. D’autre part, le personnel dévoué fait chaque mois une sélection personnalisée pour les clients particuliers du service, qui les reçoivent directement chez eux. L’équipe choisit les documents après avoir discuté avec le client de ce qui l’intéresse et du format qu’il préfère, par exemple des livres en gros caractères, des DVD ou des livres audio.

Pour de nombreux clients, ce service représente bien plus qu’une simple livraison de documents. C’est aussi une présence amicale qui leur suggère une quantité de matériel intéressant à lire, écouter ou visionner durant le mois. C’est aussi une voix chaleureuse au bout du fil qui leur fait des recommandations ou qui discute de leur dernier coup de cœur. Une cliente de longue date des Services à domicile a dernièrement exprimé sa gratitude pour les articles qu’elle reçoit chaque mois, qui « égaient les journées grises et occupent les temps morts ». Mentionnons aussi que beaucoup des clients du service ont des déficiences de lecture des imprimés : ceux-ci peuvent profiter du partenariat de la BPO avec le Centre d’accès équitable aux bibliothèques, qui propose des versions accessibles (audio, braille, etc.) pour quantité d’ouvrages.

Le personnel des maisons de retraite est lui aussi ravi par les services offerts, notamment en ce qui concerne l’aide pour les clubs de lecture et l’offre de programmes comme des spectacles de magie et des visites d’auteurs. Brittani Fawcett, responsable des activités au centre Oakpark Retirement Community, croit que ce programme profite beaucoup aux résidents. Elle utilise d’ailleurs les jeux de mémoire et d’autres ressources de la Bibliothèque dans les programmes qu’elle propose. Ces jeux comprennent des outils et des activités visant à raviver des souvenirs associés à une certaine époque ou à un certain sujet et sont organisés autour de thèmes.

« Le service de la bibliothèque est tellement important pour nos résidents, nos résidents adorent avoir des livres. Offrir ce service à la résidence fait une grosse différence parce qu’un grand nombre de résidents ne pourrait pas avoir des livres et ne pourraient pas aller à la bibliothèque. Un autre bénéfice d’avoir la bibliothèque ici, c’est qu’ils nous ont offert des programmes et des spectacles gracieusement comme une visite d’un magicien! » Wendy Lapierre, Responsable des programmes d'animation et des loisirs de Résidence Chartwell Belcourt.

Pour l’équipe des Services à domicile, ce volet s’articule autour des personnes rencontrées et des liens tissés. Il vise à offrir un service inclusif à des résidents qui, autrement, ne pourraient peut-être pas profiter de toutes les ressources fantastiques de la Bibliothèque publique d’Ottawa. Sarah Lawrance, qui est membre de cette équipe, apprécie grandement la relation de réciprocité qui existe entre les clients du service et le personnel de la Bibliothèque : « Nous avons beaucoup à apprendre de nos abonnés. Qu’ils nous suggèrent un bon film, nous parlent de l’histoire de la ville ou nous donnent des conseils de vie, nos échanges avec eux sont toujours riches. »

« L’une des choses que j’aime de ce service, explique-t-elle, c’est que nous bâtissons un monde de plus en plus inclusif pour les aînés et les personnes handicapées et, de cette façon, un avenir meilleur pour tous. Nous ne savons pas si nous aurons à faire appel à un tel service un jour, mais personnellement, je souhaite toujours vivre dans un monde où ce genre de coup de pouce existe. »

Pour en savoir plus et s’inscrire, visiter le site Web des Services à domicile.

Aging Well Together: Age-friendly Communities / Bien vieillir ensemble: Les collectivités-amies des aînés
par hbsr

  • Palaces for the People

    Palaces for the People

    How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life

    By Klinenberg, Eric
    An eminent sociologist and bestselling author offers an inspiring blueprint for rebuilding our fractured society. We are living in a time of deep divisions. Americans are sorting themselves along racial, religious, and cultural lines, leading to a level of polarization that the country hasn't seen since the Civil War. Pundits and politicians are calling for us to come together, to find common purpose. But how, exactly, can this be done? In Palaces for the People, Eric Klinenberg suggests a way forward. He believes that the future of democratic societies rests not simply on shared values but on shared spaces: the libraries, childcare centers, bookstores, churches, synagogues, and parks where crucial, sometimes life-saving connections, are formed. These are places where people gather and linger, making friends across group lines and strengthening the entire community. Klinenberg calls this the 'social infrastructure': When it is strong, neighborhoods flourish; when it is neglected, as it has been in recent years, families and individuals must fend for themselves. Klinenberg takes us around the globe--from a floating school in Bangladesh to an arts incubator in Chicago, from a soccer pitch in Queens to an evangelical church in Houston--to show how social infrastructure is helping to solve some of our most pressing challenges: isolation, crime, education, addiction, political polarization, and even climate change.
  • Vieillissement et aménagement
    Axé sur les enjeux sociaux, économiques et politiques de notre temps, cet ouvrage est une réflexion sans complaisance sur le vieillissement. Il met en lumière les savoirs actuels sur les habitats et leur aménagement au regard de la demande implicite de la société qui vise à ce que les gens vieillissent chez eux, dans leur communauté. Où en est la recherche à ce sujet au Québec et dans les collectivités francophones ? Quelles sont les politiques publiques et les pratiques d’aménagement dans ce contexte ? Comment adapter et créer des milieux de vie sains, sûrs et accueil­lants pour tous les âges dans les régions et les villes d’aujourd’hui et de demain ? Les auteurs, des chercheurs et des professionnels issus de plusieurs disciplines, analysent cette question dans un contexte nouveau où le vieillissement démographique a d’abord capté l’attention des domaines de la santé, de l’économie du travail et de la fiscalité. Trois thématiques structurent l’ouvrage : les façons de penser le vieillissement et d’anticiper son impact, l’évaluation des espaces publics et de la mobilité et les transformations à imaginer pour les milieux bâtis.
  • Bolder


    Making the Most of Our Longer Lives

    By Honoré, Carl
    Emboldening ourselves in older age demands big structural changes. For a start, we will have to tear up the old script that locks us into devoting the early part of our life to education, the middle chunk to working and raising kids, and whatever is left over at the end to leisure. In an age-inappropriate world, these silos will dissolve. We'll embrace the idea that we can carry on learning from start to finish; that we can work less and devote more time to family, leisure, and giving back to our communities in our middle years; and that we can remain active and engaged in our later years. Carl Honoré has travelled the globe speaking to influential figures who are bucking preconceived notions of age, whether at work or in their personal lives. He looks at the cultural, medical, and technological developments that are opening new possibilities for us all. Bolder is a radical re-think of our approach to everything from education, healthcare and work, to design, relationships and politics. An essential and inspiring read for everyone interested in our collective future.
  • Basic Income for Canadians

    Basic Income for Canadians

    The Key to A Healthier, Happier, More Secure Life for All

    By Forget, Evelyn L.
    Canadian social programs were designed for a world in which most people graduated from high school, then found a permanent job with benefits that they would hold until they retired with a pension. In the last forty years, however, the labour market has fundamentally changed. Economic insecurity is now a feature of the lives for large numbers of people. This new situation has given new life to an old idea: basic income. Author Evelyn L. Forget discusses how Canada would set a basic income, what it would accomplish, how it could be implemented, whether Canadians can afford it and how it would fit into the overall social policy landscape.
  • The Remix

    The Remix

    How to Lead and Succeed in the Multigenerational Workplace

    By Pollak, Lindsey
    A guide for business leaders, entrepreneurs, and employees looking to navigate today's multigenerational workplace, which spans more generations than ever before. Millennials have only just begun their reign as the largest generation in the workplace. But they are not alone. For the next decade at least, these young professionals will be working side by side with more established generations, including the Baby Boomers who are working longer than ever, and an entirely new group coming up, Generation Z. This means within any organization, any team, any meeting, any marketing opportunity, you may find any combination of generations. Each of these age groups has their own attitude, expectations, and professional style. To lead and succeed in any organization today, you must adapt to how Millennials work, while continuing to accommodate their older colleagues and paying attention to the next generations coming up. The Remix shows you how to adapt and win through proven strategies that serve all generations' needs.
  • Change Here Now

    Change Here Now

    Permaculture Solutions for Personal and Community Transformation

    By Brock, Adam
    Presents more than eighty proven solutions for building healthy communities. Brock outlines strategies for redesigning our social and economic systems to mimic nature’s resilience and abundance. Practical, innovative, and visually compelling, this book presents actionable and easy-to-understand tools for a compassionate and methodical approach to building better communities. Sidebars and diagrams supplement the text, while case studies illustrate endeavors such as starting a business, launching a social change project, or setting personal goals. Brock suggests ways to engage disempowered communities in a meaningful and authentic way, and draws on eight years of in-depth research and investigation to demonstrate what makes communities work at the most fundamental level.
  • The Age of Dignity

    The Age of Dignity

    Preparing for the Elder Boom in A Changing America

    By Poo, Ai-jen
    As the baby boomer generation ages and life expectancy grows, the United States will continue to see a significant increase in elderly populations, which will require more caregivers and government support. Poo (director, National Domestic Workers Alliance; codirector, Caring Across Generations) successfully argues that now is the time to consider cultural, behavioral, and policy changes in how the elderly and those caregivers who support them are treated and regarded. In addition to providing background and statistical data on the increasing elderly population in America, the author thoroughly examines issues surrounding elderly caregivers, including the low wages they receive for an arguably demanding job, family members who care for their elders, immigrant populations frequently serving as caregivers and domestic workers, issues surrounding women being primary caregivers, and much more. Poo also discusses practical policy considerations that may address these issues and cultural attitudes or behaviors about these demographics, which she maintains should be further examined.
  • New Aging

    New Aging

    Live Smarter Now to Live Better Forever

    By Hollwich, Matthias
    New Aging invites us to take everything we associate with aging--the loss of freedom and vitality, the cold and sterile nursing homes, the boredom--and throw it out the window. As an architect, Matthias Hollwich is devoted to finding ways in which we can shape our living spaces and communities to make aging a graceful and fulfilling aspect of our lives.
  • Creating Cohousing

    Creating Cohousing

    Building Sustainable Communities

    By McCamant, Kathryn
    How can we regain the elements of the traditional village - family, cooperation, community and a sense of belonging - within the context of 21st century life? Creating Cohousing: Building Sustainable Communities is an in-depth exploration of a uniquely rewarding type of housing which is perfect for anyone who values their independence but longs for more connection with those around them. This fully-illustrated manual combines nuts-and-bolts practical considerations and design ideas with extensive case studies of dozens of diverse communities in Europe and North America. Cohousing communities create unique opportunities for designing more sustainable lifestyles. Whether urban, suburban or rural; senior or intergenerational; retrofit or new, the authors show how the physical structures of cohousing communities lend themselves to a more efficient use of resources, and make everything from gardening to childcare to socializing easier. Creating Cohousing puts the "neighbor" back into "neighborhood"; and is an essential resource for anyone interested in more environmentally and socially sustainable living.
  • The Abundant Community

    The Abundant Community

    Awakening the Power of Families and Neighborhoods

    By McKnight, John
    We are besieged by messages from consumer society telling us that we are insufficient, that we must purchase what we need from specialists and systems outside the community. We outsource our health care, child care, relationships, recreation, our safety, and our satisfaction. We are trained to become consumers and clients, not citizens and neighbors. McKnight and Block take a thoughtful look at how this situation came about, what maintains it, and the crippling effect it has had on our families, our communities, and our environment. Right in our neighborhood we have the capacity to address our human needs in ways that systems, which see us only as interchangeable units, as problems to be solved, never can. We all have gifts to offer, even the most seemingly marginal among us. It does not matter how rich or poor the neighborhood is. McKnight and Block suggest how to nurture voluntary, self-organizing structures that will reveal these gifts and allow them to be shared to the greatest mutual benefit. They recommend roles we can assume and actions we can take to reweave the social fabric that has been unraveled by consumerism and its belief that however much we have, it is not enough.
  • 25 Fun Things to Do for your Neighbors
    Engage with the people in your community through 25 activities and projects designed to get you out into your neighborhood. Clean a neighbor's car, walk a dog, organize a block party, clean up the trash, and more. Discover great ways to make new friends and give back.
  • Home Sweet Neighborhood

    Home Sweet Neighborhood

    Transforming Cities One Block at A Time

    By Mulder, Michelle
    Picture a busy avenue. Now plant trees along the boulevard, paint a mural by the empty lot, and add a community garden. Set up benches along the sidewalks and make space for kids' chalk drawings, and you've set the scene for a thriving community. Placemaking—personalizing public and semi-private spaces like front yards—is a growing trend in cities and suburbs around the world, drawing people out of their homes and into conversation with one another. Kids are natural placemakers, building tree forts, drawing on sidewalks and setting up lemonade stands, but people of all ages can enjoy creative placemaking activities. From Dutch families who drag couches and tables onto sidewalks for outdoor suppers to Canadians who build little lending libraries to share books with neighbors, people can do things that make life more fun and strengthen neighborhoods. Home Sweet Neighborhood combines upbeat text, fun facts and colorful photos to intrigue and inspire readers.
  • Independent for Life

    Independent for Life

    Homes and Neighborhoods for An Aging America

    Do you want to age independently in your own home and neighborhood? Seniors dread nursing homes, which are not cost-effective anyway. Staying home, aging in place, is most people's preference. "Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities"--existing buildings and neighborhoods of old people--are not accessible, suburbs are isolated, and services remain scattered and uncoordinated. This collection of essays by various authors provides models and analyses using different approaches that work, such as redeveloping dead shopping centers into viable communities. Other ideas include lower-cost remodeling current housing and building new homes for accessibility and safety, retrofitting existing neighborhoods to connect needed services and amenities, and planning new communities that work well for people of all ages.
  • How We Live Now

    How We Live Now

    Redefining Home and Family in the 21st Century

    By DePaulo, Bella M.
    DePaulo's cross-country survey of living arrangements shatters the illusion that the average American belongs to a nuclear family living in a single-family home in the suburbs. In co-housing communities along the West Coast, she discovers that residents of all generations have found happiness in common gardens and shared meals. Meanwhile, seniors have become "lifespace" pioneers, eschewing institutions and creating their own senior communities, sometimes with juniors involved as well. In Chicago, foster families and older adults enrich one another's lives in the appropriately named Hope Meadows. Other lifestyle approaches and strategies covered here include house sharing, finding social networks (not necessarily in the online sense), and keeping a home separately from one's partner.
  • Young-old


    Urban Utopias of An Aging Society

    By Simpson, Deane
    Young-old examines contemporary architectural and urban mutations that have emerged as a consequence of one of the key demographic transformations of our time: aging populations. Distinguishing between different phases of old age, the book identifies the group known as the 'young old' as a remarkable petri dish for experiments in subjectivity, collectivity, and environment. In investigating this field of latent urban and architectural novelty, Young-old asserts both the escapist and emancipatory dimensions of these practices. Richly illustrated with drawings, maps, and photographs, the volume documents phenomena ranging from the continuous, golf-cart-accessible urban landscapes of the world's largest retirement community in Florida and the mono-national 'urbanizaciones' of 'the retirement home of Europe' on Costa del Sol, to the Dutch-themed residential community at Huis Ten Bosch in southern Japan.
  • Hygge Homesharing

    An Ottawa-based home-sharing pilot project centering the LGBTQ2S+ community, which seeks to pair students in search of housing with seniors who live alone.
  • Community Deathcare Canada

    Community-centred deathcare is the practice of assisting individuals, families and communities in navigating their journeys through dying and deathcare. This may include offering public and private education about dying and deathcare, modeling death acceptance and a mature understanding of death, supporting and encouraging a person who is dying, supporting and encouraging a dying person’s loved ones and community, and more.
  • Aging Our Way

    Aging Our Way

    Lessons for Living From 85 and Beyond

    By Loe, Meika
    Aging Our Way follows the everyday lives of 30 elders (ages 85-102) living at home and mostly alone to understand how they create and maintain meaningful lives for themselves. Drawing on the latest interdisciplinary scholarship on aging and three years of interviews with the elders, Meika Loe explores how elders navigate the practical challenges of living as independently as possible while staying healthy, connected, and comfortable. While most books on the subject treat old age as a social problem and elders as simply diminished versions of their former selves, Aging Our Way views them as they really are: lively, complicated, engaging people finding creative ways to make their aging as meaningful and manageable as possible. In their own voices, elders describe how they manage everything from grocery shopping, doctor appointments, and disability, to creating networks of friends and maintaining their autonomy. In many ways, these elders can serve as role models. Through their stories, Loe helps us to think about aging, well-being, and the value of human relationships in new ways. Written with remarkable warmth and depth of understanding, Aging Our Way offers a vivid look at a group of people who too often remain invisible - those who have lived the longest - and all they have to teach us.
  • Pocket Neighborhoods

    Pocket Neighborhoods

    Creating Small-scale Community in A Large-scale World

    By Chapin, Ross
    Pocket Neighborhoods: Creating Small Scale Community in a Large Scale World introduces an antidote to faceless, placeless sprawl -- small scale neighborhoods where people can easily know one another, where empty nesters and single householders with far-flung families can find friendship or a helping hand nearby, and where children can have shirt-tail aunties and uncles just beyond their front gate. The book describes inspiring pocket neighborhoods through stories of the people who live there, as well as the progressive planners, innovative architects, pioneering developers, craftspeople and gardeners who helped create them. Includes a chapter on senior cohousing.
  • Promotion de l'intégration et de la qualité de vie des aînés

    Promotion de l'intégration et de la qualité de vie des aînés

    rapport du Comité permanent des ressources humaines, du développement des compétences, du développement social et de la condition des personnes handicapées

    By Canada
    Rapport du Comité permanent des ressources humaines, du développement des compétences, du développement social et de la condition des personnes handicapées.


  • Musique utilisée dans la baladodiffusion : "The Cast and Favor" and “Sal's Piano Solo” by Blue Dot Sessions (