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Inclusion sociale

Pour certaines personnes, les problèmes de mobilité peuvent rendre les sorties à l’extérieur de la maison difficiles. Cela peut entrainer un sentiment de solitude et d’isolement. Le service Seniors’ Without Walls du centre Les bons compagnons offre des services aux aînés de 55 ans et plus et aux adultes de 18 ans et plus ayant des handicaps physiques qui sont confinés à la maison. Pour ceux qui ne peuvent pas se rendre au centre, les services leur offrent l’opportunité de participer gratuitement. Ils peuvent participer par téléphone à divers programmes interactifs, ce qui leur donne l’occasion de socialiser avec d’autres personne et de prendre part à des séances d’information.

Programme de téléconférence, le service offre aux participants la possibilité de profiter de différents programmes, dans le cadre desquels ils peuvent notamment obtenir des renseignements de santé en parlant directement avec un professionnel local et participer à des activités de stimulation cérébrale ou d’apprentissage. Plus important encore, le programme leur donne la chance d’avoir un sentiment d’appartenance à une communauté et de tisser des liens d’amitié significatifs.

Laura Ward, coordonnatrice du programme : « Mon moment préféré, c’est quand les participants échangent leurs idées et leurs expériences, et apprennent les uns des autres. Ils demandent conseil et souvent des pairs aux expériences similaires sont en mesure de leur en donner. J’adore pouvoir rassembler les gens et voir – ou entendre! – de nouveaux liens se former. »

Le programme existe depuis cinq ans, soit depuis avril 2014, mais l’idée a germé pendant plusieurs années. Le coordonnateur des services de soutien communautaire du centre avait remarqué qu’il y avait des lacunes dans les services offerts aux aînés et aux adultes handicapés confinés à domicile souffrant de solitude et d’isolement. Même si l’on retrouve à Ottawa d’excellents services visant à briser l’isolement, les listes d’attente peuvent être longues. Par exemple, le programme de visites amicales est un des services qui est utilisé par plusieurs. Le programme envoi un bénévole visiter une personne qui reçoit le service durant une heure et demie à deux heures, toutes les deux semaines, et lui téléphone la semaine où il n’y a pas de visite,

Il existe également le programme Télé‑Bonjour, qui jumelle les personnes âgées isolées à des bénévoles, qui leur téléphonent régulièrement, selon un horaire établi, pour vérifier qu’elles vont bien. Le centre Les bons compagnons ont constaté que les gens voulaient avoir de plus longues conversations ou qu’ils trouvaient les visites individuelles intimidantes, en raison de leur caractère intime, et en ont conclu que les aînés confinés à domicile voulaient avoir plus d’interactions sociales. Il a donc commencé à étudier différentes options, et s’est inspiré de DOROT, un organisme sans but lucratif des États-Unis qui œuvre à atténuer l’isolement social et à fournir des services concrets aux personnes âgées, notamment des cours universitaires par téléphone. Il a ensuite obtenu une subvention de trois ans de la Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario et a lancé le programme Seniors’ Centre Without Walls en 2014.

Alice L., une aînée aveugle au sens de la loi qui participe à de nombreuses conversations téléphoniques dans le cadre du programme, affirme qu’elle a tissé des liens serrés avec beaucoup de gens au fil des années, et que le programme a véritablement changé sa vie : « C’est incroyable, je peux remonter le moral d’une personne qui se sent déprimée, mais la plupart du temps, on rit et on s’amuse beaucoup. »

Les participants peuvent prendre part à des conversations téléphoniques plusieurs fois par semaine ou à quelques programmes par cycle. Ces conversations portent sur un large éventail de sujets, dont la santé et le bien-être, ou prennent la forme de séances d’information, de récits de voyage, d’activités musicales, de célébrations spéciales, de jeux de mots ou de jeux-questionnaires, de discussions de groupe, et bien plus encore! Laura explique que « certaines personnes cherchent à obtenir de l’information ou à se faire aiguiller vers des professionnels de la région pour poser leurs questions, et nous sommes en mesure de les aider. Mais la plupart des gens veulent discuter avec des personnes amicales, s’exprimer et sentir qu’ils appartiennent à la communauté, et c’est aussi ce qu’ils en retirent. » Les animateurs sont parfois des bénévoles qui viennent parler de leurs voyages, des diététistes qui présentent le nouveau guide alimentaire, ou encore des avocats et des comptables qui parlent de planification successorale et de gestion des finances à la retraite. Le programme Seniors’ Centre Without Walls compte aussi un comité de planification, afin que les participants puissent s’impliquer activement dans la planification de programmes répondant à leurs besoins. Consultez le guide des programmes de l’automne 2019 ou le site pour en savoir plus sur les programmes offerts par téléphone.

Les aînés de 55 ans et plus et les adultes de 18 ans et plus ayant des handicaps physiques qui résident à Ottawa ou dans la grande région d’Ottawa sont admissibles au programme. Celui-ci est gratuit; il ne vous faut qu’un téléphone! Pour vous inscrire, composez le 613‑236‑0428, poste 2323, rendez-vous dans les bureaux du centre Les bons compagnons ou écrivez à

Aging Well Together: Social Inclusion / Bien vieiller ensemble: l'inclusion sociale
par hbsr

  • Palaces for the People

    Palaces for the People

    How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life

    By Klinenberg, Eric
    Eminent sociologist Eric Klinenberg believes that the future of democratic societies rests not simply on shared values but on shared spaces: the libraries, childcare centers, bookstores, churches, synagogues, and parks where crucial, sometimes life-saving connections, are formed. These are places where people gather and linger, making friends across group lines and strengthening the entire community. Klinenberg calls this the 'social infrastructure': When it is strong, neighborhoods flourish; when it is neglected, as it has been in recent years, families and individuals must fend for themselves.
  • A Life Less Lonely

    A Life Less Lonely

    What We Can All Do to Lead More Connected, Kinder Lives

    By Duerden, Nick
    Loneliness has reached the levels of an epidemic. From the bullied child to the new parent, from the pensioner who has outlived friends and family members to teenagers who manage their social lives through the glow of a mobile phone, it can - and does - affect anyone and everyone, irrespective of age, race or class. "A Life Less Lonely" shares stories of loneliness and social isolation, and looks for ways in which we can help one another to future-proof ourselves against this insidious affliction.
  • Learning at the Ends of Life

    Learning at the Ends of Life

    Children, Elders, and Literacies in Intergenerational Curricula

    By Heydon, Rachel
    Intergenerational learning programs bring together elders and young children to promote expansive communication and identity options for participants, as well as the forging of relationships between generations. The first formal and sustained work on intergenerational curricula and literacies, this book details the experiences of educators and participants in these programs, bringing to life the particular possibilities of arts-based, multimodal curricula that draw on participants' existing funds of knowledge and interests.
  • Wisdom@work


    The Making of A Modern Elder

    By Conley, Chip
    At age 52, Chip Conley uncovered the secret to thriving as a mid-life worker: learning to marry wisdom and experience with curiosity, a beginner's mind, and a willingness to evolve. In a world that venerates the new, bright, and shiny, many of us are left feeling invisible, undervalued, and threatened by the 'digital natives' nipping at our heels. Conley argues, however, that experience is on the brink of a comeback: At a time when power is shifting younger, companies are finally waking up to the value of the humility, emotional intelligence, and wisdom that come with age. The human skills that mid-career workers possess--like good judgment, specialized knowledge, and the ability to collaborate and coach--never expire. Wisdom@Work ignites an urgent conversation about ageism in the workplace, calling on us to treat age as we would other type of diversity.
  • Cyber-seniors
    A humorous and heartwarming story focusing on a group of senior citizens who take their first steps into cyber-space under the tutelage of teenage mentors, the film expertly renders a thought-provoking look at a spirited group of seniors who are enriched by digitally re-connecting with their families and each other.
  • Late to the Ball

    Late to the Ball

    Age. Learn. Fight. Love. Play Tennis. Win

    By Marzorati, Gerald
    This engaging memoir chronicles the author's six years of trying to master the sport of tennis after picking it up in his mid-50s. It is not simply a reflection of the author's love and passion for tennis; it also serves as an exemplar of how seeking out challenges at any age can be a fundamentally sound physical and mental endeavor. This volume looks at how aging allows the older athlete to come to a deeper understanding of the lives they have led and continue to lead.
  • Naked at Our Age

    Naked at Our Age

    Talking Out Loud About Senior Sex

    By Price, Joan
    Joan Price is talking out loud about a subject that is often ignored or ridiculed in our society: later-life sexuality. In "Naked at Our Age", she offers a candid, straight-talking exploration of senior sexuality--the challenges, the disappointments, and the surprises, as well as the delights of love and passion. She shares the stories of women and men--coupled and single, straight and gay--demonstrating how their sex lives and relationships have changed with age, and how their sex lives influence their lives and self-esteem. Along the way, she offers wise advice from sex therapists, health professionals, counselors, sex educators, and other knowledgeable experts, helping seniors to embrace intimacy in all its forms.
  • Inuit Worldviews

    Inuit Worldviews

    An Introduction

    By Nakasuk, Saullu
    An insightful introduction into the production and transmission of knowledge in Inuit societies through the voices of Inuit elders.
  • Breaking the Wall of Social Isolation

    Breaking the Wall of Social Isolation

    How Dementia Research Improves the Lives of Patients and Caregivers

    Dementia is the name for a group of symptoms that usually come slowly, often going unnoticed at first by relatives and friends, until a point is reached where the changes in the person's behavior and personality can no longer be ignored. And it is not only patients who are affected: caregivers, partners and families are also distressed by the psychological, physical and economic consequences of living with dementia. To tackle dementia, there is an urgent need for new health and social care policies, improved health care and, most importantly, direct support and information to transfer the capacity and responsibility for care away from the state. June Andrews is a professor of dementia studies and a recognized leader in the worldwide movement to improve services for people with dementia and their carers. A trained nurse, researcher and policy adviser, she has a highly interdisciplinary perspective on the topic - ranging from the immediate situation of patients and families to health institutions, professional staff and policy makers.
  • The Aging of Aquarius

    The Aging of Aquarius

    Igniting Passion & Purpose as An Elder

    By Waldstein Wilkes, Helen
    "The Aging of Aquarius" takes readers on a journey to find a new identity and passion and purpose in retirement. From gardening clubs to political campaigning, to social investing and creative work, it offers inspiration, practical steps, and resources.
  • Advanced Style

    Advanced Style

    Older & Wiser

    By Cohen, Ari Seth
    This follow-up to the bestselling "Advanced Style" features more senior street style and inspiration from all over the globe. Similar in format to the original, with dozens of portraits from cities all over the world, this book also features 22 short essays by some of the portrait subjects, distilling the wisdom and lifestyle secrets of some of Cohen's favorite Advanced Style ladies.
  • The Good Companions Seniors' Centre Without Walls

    The Good Companions is a non-profit multi-service seniors’ centre providing opportunities for individuals to participate in social, recreational, educational and volunteer activities and benefit from social and health services. Their Seniors’ Centre Without Walls (SCWW) is as simple as just picking up your telephone! Through the use of multi-person phone calls, SCWW provides the opportunity for participants to join in on health and wellness seminars, educational lectures, brain-stimulating activities, listen to live musical entertainment, join in on general conversations, and make new and meaningful friendships – all from the comfort of home! It works just the same as attending a class or a lecture at the centre, but instead it is facilitated over the telephone. Call yourself in to the program, or we can call you – it’s your choice! Each phone session lasts between 30-60 minutes on the phone, each phone session averages 10-15 people on the call, and you are able to hear each other, talk to one another, learn, and/or just have fun!
  • Hygge Homesharing

    An Ottawa-based home-sharing pilot project centering the LGBTQ2S+ community, which seeks to pair students in search of housing with seniors who live alone.
  • KOSC: Keeping Ottawa Seniors Connected

    KOSC aims to increase the social inclusion of seniors from at-risk groups (low income, poor official language skills, disability, abuse, and rural) in the Ottawa area. Their vision is an Ottawa where older adults are socially engaged and have opportunities and support services in the community to connect them with others.
  • COA: Council on Aging of Ottawa

    The Council on Aging of Ottawa hosts events that provide seniors, professionals, family members, caregivers and advocates with a wide variety of educational, leisure, social, and cultural experiences. Events are held in English or French or both, as indicated by individual event posters, and most COA events are held on site at 1247 Kilborn Place, which is wheelchair accessible and has FREE parking.
  • CCSN: Champlain Community Support Network

    CCSN is a bilingual network of non-profit agencies in the Champlain area working together to enable seniors and adults living with disabilities to live healthily at home and in communities. The website provides a simple search function that enables users to find the non-profit agencies in the Champlain area that could be of use to them. Filters include adult day programs, assistive equipment, and elder abuse consultation.
  • Housing Options in Ottawa: A Guide for Older Adults 2019

    This guide is a document published by the Council on Aging of Ottawa to help seniors better understand their housing options and make informed decisions about where they want to live now and in the future.
  • More Than A Thousand Tomorrows

    More Than A Thousand Tomorrows

    2 Intimacy and Late-Stage Alzheimer's

    A follow-up to the video "A Thousand Tomorrows: Intimacy, Sexuality, and Alzheimer's", this program revisits Everett and Betty, married for 25 years when Betty was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, to document the changes that late-stage dementia brought to their sexual relationship. Central to the program is Everett's candid discussion with a social worker about his feelings and decisions regarding ongoing physical intimacy with his wife, and how he has coped with her new responses to sexuality. The video also addresses the sensitive subject of healthy spouses developing new relationships when their loved one becomes severely debilitated or confined to a nursing home.
  • Advancing Inclusion and Quality of Life for Seniors

    Advancing Inclusion and Quality of Life for Seniors

    Report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons With Disabilities

    By Canada
  • Promotion de l'intégration et de la qualité de vie des aînés

    Promotion de l'intégration et de la qualité de vie des aînés

    rapport du Comité permanent des ressources humaines, du développement des compétences, du développement social et de la condition des personnes handicapées

    By Canada


  • Musique: "The Cast and Favor" and “Game Hens” from Blue Dot Sessions
  • Photo: Photo of older adult in purple shirt by Akshar Dave on Unsplash.
  • Video: World Health Organization (WHO). (Apr 6, 2017). OMS: Parlons de la dépression chez les personnes âgées. Récupéré de